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Door Sensor Magnet

The windows and doors sensor is one of the most common security devices, the use of which at Smart Myer products is not limited to these cases. You can use magnet to improve the security of your home and also set your favorite logics on your cellphone app and add other conditions such as timing, temperature, humidity and others. For instance, you can link the window sensor to the air conditioning system so that it opens the windows at any time of the day or night by increase in room temperature. The communicating system of the product makes it possible to monitor the internal battery or the opening or closing of the doors at any time. The integration of the wireless connection with small design has facilitated the installation and running for the users. This product has two parts, one of which is installed on the doorframe and the other on the door. These two parts are separated when the door opens and the user can use his own security alarms or control logics.




Battery model number

Battery Life

Working Temperature

Working Humidity

Indoor Communicate Distance

Product Size

RF Parameter

Communicate Distance


ENG Datasheet
ENG User Manual